Thursday 5 April 2007

Chin chin

"Hi Elisa, I hope you caught the spread today - the pictures look fantastic. Thanks for sorting it out. Best wishes, A."

"Dear Elisa, Thank you so much for the cuttings/web links you have been sending through. Much appreciated. I hope to meet you before too long. Best wishes, C."

I am quite happy and pleased. I very much enjoy my job (I will probably be grey haired by the end of the year - and a raging Champagne-a-holic, but hey ;)), and think I have found my true calling. I am lucky enough to work with amazing and fascinating clients, and on top of that I get to work very closely with some of my favourite artists such as Lucy McLauchlan and Paul Insect.

Our flat is slowly starting to look like a flat, and over the Easter break we should be able to get a lot done. Once it looks nice I can take pictures for the blog (only to pretend that it has looked like that from the very beginning, ha ha). Right, so my plans for the break are

  1. Get my hair done
  2. Sort out things in our flat
  3. Have lots of sex
  4. Have more sex
  5. Enjoy the gorgeous weather
  6. Sex

Yes, that sounds good. What are all you guys up to? Well, you all know where I live, so you are welcome to come and help around the house - except for when I am having sex.....:)

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